Tuesday, October 04, 2016


We miss Summer already! We had a great time with friends and family! We had the chance to visit CA in August. We played hard and made some great memories! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Aunt Shayla comes to visit!

Aunt Shayla came to visit for the 4th of July! The weather thought it was spring- not summer- but we made the most of it!! We hiked, went on nature walks, went to the lake, shopped, went to the Temple and went ziplining over Coeur d'alene! It was stunning! I live in such a beautiful place! We took a family bike ride to Harrison and ate s'mores in our backyard! The Griffitts also treated us to their family slip and slide! We miss Aunt Shayla already!

June is 4!!

The big day FINALLY came. June is 4! We celebrated by going to a local bounce house and having pizza and cupcakes with her friends from dance, preschool and church! 

June is hilarious. She is always making us laugh and is so tender hearted. She tells me she loves me several times a day and gives the BEST hugs!

I adore this little face so much. I am wrapped around every finger she has. We are so happy she is in our family!

Summer is here!

My girls finished school for the year! I can't believe how much they have changed in just a year. Kelsi is a super star reader and is doing great in math! June knows all her letters and is excited for her last year of preschool this fall. 


June had a blast in dance this year. She was the cutest ever! 

Cozumel, Mexico

I loved Cozumel. We had a private tour guide in a jeep around the island. Carlos was our guide and he was great! I got to drive the streets of downtown Cozumel and then we went to the secluded side of the island where there was no electricity. The beaches were pristine. We went to a preserve and climbed a working lighthouse and relaxed on hammocks on the beach. We then went to a hole in the wall for dinner and then snorkeled. I saw the most amazing fish!!! Sadly- we think we picked something up at that meal because we all got the Cha-chas. It was horrible but at least it was the last day at sea.

Costa Maya, Mexico

Costa Maya was my least fav port only because it was specifically made for cruise ships. We rented a golf cart and toured the area and hit the beach! 

Belize City, Belize

We booked a private tour company to take us to see ancient ruins. Again, it was SO HOT. Maybe just a degree or two cooler than Roatan and this time instead of cooling off in water- we climbed stairs instead!! 

Roatan, Honduras

 I have NEVER been so hot in my life as I was in Roatan! It was 92 degrees but with the humidity it felt like 118. We were constantly sweating. We spent our entire time at the beach (mainly in the WARM) water just to get some relief. We booked a private tour company to take us to the beach. They drove us through downtown and it was pretty impoverished. Our guide told us that school wasn't mandatory and many kids didn't go so they could help earn money. Tamar and I bought jewelry from a boy on the beach who was the face of sales for his father. He was a great salesman! 
Just outside of port Shayla and I let some little fish eat off our dead skin. It tickled like crazy. A very weird sensation.

Sisters trip 2016

Our second annual sisters trip this year took place on the high seas! We took a Norwegian cruise out of Miami! We visited Belize, Roatan, Honduras, Costa Maya & Cozumel Mexico! We all squeezed into a balcony room and were ready to get some sun and enjoy some sisterly bonding! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Girls getaway

Myself and a couple friends were able to drive up north and meet up with an old friend. We spent the weekend talking, laughing, hiking and just enjoying each other's company. I feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful area that my heavenly father created.


We had a very nice Easter here in North Idaho. The day before Easter I took the girls to a Easter egg hunt at a local church while John was at work. They had a blast. 

Friends and food

Later in March we did one of my favorite things which is celebrate a friends birthday. We decided to make some of our favorite recipes from Mel's kitchen café. I love these ladies. 

Bye bye thyroid

In March- I underwent a partial thyroidectomy. I knew I had a mass for the last five years but it was pretty stable. However it started to grow and was increasing rapidly so we decided to have it removed. Further pathology showed that hiding behind the mass was cancer. I am so thankful that I found that out after they removed all of it. My recovery wasn't too bad. It was pretty painful for the first for five days but after that I started to get more neck movement back. This picture was taken just after I had my bandage removed one week post surgery. Today this looks so much better.


After we returned from Maui- we picked up Maggie, our new yellow lab. She is so sweet! She is really a good dog. June calls her "little sister". She is a great addition to our little family.


John and I were fortunate enough to go to Maui the end of Jan for some continuing education. We stayed in Kaanapali at the Sheraton at Black Rock. It was beautiful. We ate a little too much Hula pie, went on a few hikes, snorkeled, whale watched, watched some HUGE waves, ate great food and enjoyed the water and sand. It was so good to get away together especially in paradise. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Great to be 8!

Kelsi was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 1/2. It was a very special day. Grandma & Grandpa Manderino, Aunt Shayla and Aunt Kaylee flew up to be here for her special day! 
Kelsi said that she had never felt so good in her life! I'm so proud of her decision to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ to be baptized. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Christmas was fabulous this year! I try to do something Christmas-y with my girls every day in December. This year did not disappoint! We ended this year with an addition to our family! Maggie is our new lab puppy that will be joining us in January! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

She's 8!

Somehow my baby turned 8. We are so proud of her and who she is and who she is becoming. She is such a good big sister, a wonderful example to us and all around her. She is smart, kind, silly and has the best laugh ever!