Thursday, October 11, 2007

It has been a very long time. I really thought that I would be better at updating this, but I guess I was wrong. I am 33 weeks along and for the most part feel pretty good. I no longer limp around and I am going to try to go off my meds in a couple days because I think it is about the time that I really shouldn't be throwing up anymore. I have had a couple Dr appts since my last entry and everything is still going well. The baby's heart rate was 156bpm and I am measuring 31cm. I was a little concerned because I measured that big 2 weeks ago, but my Dr. said it was normal and that it depends on the position of the baby. I had a non-stress test today which mainly consists of me getting to be strapped to two different monitors (one that measures the heart rate of the baby and the other that measures my contractions). I was a little nervous because it took 3 nurses and my doctor to get it working correctly. The baby kept moving around and while they could hear the pulsing of the heart, they couldn't find the actual heart and the baby didn't make it any easier as she thought that we were playing a game of tag with her and every time we touched her she moved away. I go back again next week for another non-stress test and every week thereafter until my due date. Getting close. I had a new fun pregnancy symptom that popped up this week. I don't remember the acronym for it, but basically the lower ventricle of my heart is beating faster than my upper and the top tries really hard to catch up which makes me feel like I just ran a marathon, when I am really just sitting down in my office. My doctor said that I shouldn't worry unless it happens more than twice an hour, so I am keeping an eye on it. John and I put up her crib earlier this week and I think I have pretty much everything I need. I can't wait to meet her. I guess I saved the embarrassing news for last. I have gained a total of 38 lbs so far and do not like that I am rapidly catching up to John's weight. Over the last week I haven't been able to eat as much though because the baby is getting bigger and pushing up on my stomach, so while I feel hungry, I get full pretty quick. I think that is about all for now. I will try to make another post next week so these entries aren't so long. Catch ya next time...


Tamar and Trevor said...

You are so cute! I would love to see pictures of your crib and your nursery. Keep the posts coming.

Amanda said...

Karina, You look great. You should see what I looked like at that stage and be glad your tall women. Go look at my blog there are pictures. I was huge. And I am already past Dan's weight after the baby. You are naturally skinny i bet it comes off right away. You look beautiful and happy. wow those stress test sound like no fun. I never have had to do any of those thankgoodness. Keep in touch. Amanda

Porter Family said...

non-stress tests are awesome!! You just get to sit around for an hour. I guess they are better when you already have one kid so you feel like you are getting a break. As far as the weight gain, let me be frank and tell you that you are totally full of it, Karina! :) Here's the breakdown:
38lbs=2lbs of extra boobs, 5lbs of increased fluids in your body, 7lbs of baby, 3lbs of amniotic fluid, 1lb of increased brain capacity (don't worry, this goes away quickly once you have the child and then you end up forgetting everything), 7lbs of extra fat for the baby to munch on while she is growing, 3lbs of extra uterus, 2lbs of placenta (we're up to 30lbs by the way), and since it is autumn, your stylish wardrobe counts for another 5lbs. That is a grand total of 3lbs of weight gained in an almost due pregnant lady. :) I just love giving you heck about this....Love ya! Heather