Friday, January 15, 2010

"P" party

For Personal Progress night, I planned a "P" party for the girls and they got SO into it and seemed to have a lot of fun. They all wore as many things that started with a "P"(prizes for the winners) and we had pizza, pretzels and "pink & purple" pop!
The girls that I get to work with are just amazing. I feel very blessed to know every one of them.


PDXTingeys said...

What a great idea! I'm in Young Women's too, I might have to use that one.

museumeg said...

I love this! I am going to steal this idea for our YW. Thanks a bunch. BTW - Isn't it fun to be in the Young Women's program?

RFamily said...

so fun! i didn't know you were in YW - what is your calling?

Katie said...

We did this exact same thing this week for our activity! How funny. The girls loved it and were so creative with their outfits. Your pics are great!