Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rice anyone?

So, my sister Tamar got me addicted to this site called "freerice.com". It is a non-profit org. that helps the UN fight against hunger. There is a fun vocab test and for every question you get right it will donate a certain number of grains of rice to the fight against hunger. I got up to level 40 and then fell back down and can't get past level 37. Tamar is at 39, so I am feeling pretty vocab challenged, but she was always the smarter sis. I donated over 3000 grains of rice in just one sitting. Have fun!


Tamar and Trevor said...

To set the record straight I too have hit the 40 level mark and donated over 6000 grains of rice so I am pretty sure that makes me the smarter sis. Glad you liked the site...now I don't feel quite as dorky.

The Crebs Family said...

That thing is addicting. I am supposed to be cleaning my house and instead I am donating rice, and I can't stop! I think, well just 100 more and then 1000 more and pretty soon I am over 6000! Nerd Alert!

Tamar and Trevor said...

I need to appologize to my sister. After re-reading your post I realize that you were calling me the smart sister. You are too kind. I am so glad that you are a nerd like me and Lindsay we are glad to have you in the nerd club.

Porter Family said...

I'm a new convert to the nerd club. Can I join? Please?? Good luck with the redhead.

Shayla said...

here is a message for you.