Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A little crawling action....


Kristi said...

Great job on the crawling Kelsi!! I'm glad she finally got it, and got it she did! Cute video.

Shayla said...

So how come you haven't told me she was crawling? I think I ask you almost every time I talk to you?. She is definitely a cutie. I love the pictures with the pigtails in the front. Very Cute!

Jake J. Crenshaw said...

For a minute there it almost looked like she just wanted to get up walk over to bear. "Forget crawlin' I wanna walk!" ;-)

sunlover76 said...

Congrats on the crawling, Kelsi!! You're one step closer to freedom! ...good job on the thing you know she'll be going up the stairs and down the slide at the park!